Random thoughts and stories about my daily life

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Nice guys finish last

Whoever said nice guys finish first should be shot. I consider myself to be a nice person and most of the times too nice. I do let people walk all over me, but o well.

There is this girl at work that I have a pretty big crush on and finally one day I work up the courage to ask this girl on a date. I would go out with my friends and talk about her all the time, which drove them crazy because they know that I have no "balls" when it comes to girls. Most of my friends happen to be girls, but when it comes to liking a girl I feel like I'm from another planet. I don't see how it so hard for me to express my feelings to a girl. Do I feel weak? or like I'm not a man? Seriously I don't know. If I have the "just friend" mentality it is easy for me to talk with that person, but if I have the "I like you" mentality I freeze.

Back to the reason that I'm writing this at 4am.

So, after a week of my friends "building me up" I finally work up the courage to ask this girl on a date. I had been questioning to myself all day what I was going to say to her. Should I be funny? or serious? I decide to go with the serious route. Mistake #1. I walk up to her and ask her if she would like to go out this weekend. Mistake #2. She looks at me and says, "Are you serious? I would rather us just be friends." BOOM!!! The absolute WORST thing to say! Tell me that you can because you will be in the hospital and then shot yourself with a staple gun in the stomach. (family guy reference) This is a swift kick to the nuts! I felt like I had been kick by an elephant. I said ok whatever.

Now, to evalutate my mistakes.

Mistake 1. I should have gone with something funny because if it backfired I could have played it off as a joke.

Mistake 2. Should have been more specific, For example, Would you like to go to (inceret place here) with me this weekend?


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