Random thoughts and stories about my daily life

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I'm so excited I found something new to rant about! I got bored one day and decided to look up words in the dictionary. I was flipping to random pages and seeing what new words I could learn. As I was flipping around in the dictionary I found the word suicide. The definition of suicide is: "act of killing oneself purposely. Now this got me thinking. The only state the suicide is legal is Oregon, but since you are dead what are they going to do to you? It is not like they can put you in jail or give you the death penalty. So, I was walking around campus to go to my next class and couldn't help noticing how many people smoke. Everywhere you pass there is someone smoking. This made me think on the definition I found earlier, suicide. Smoking gives you cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, or many other serious diseases that help kill you. Does this sound a little like suicide to you? Sure your not slitting your wrists, but you sucking on a death stick. Have you ever noticed on the health insurance commercials that it tells you that if you are 40 and not a smoker you can get premium life insurance for $5 a month! Did anyone else catch that? If you are not a smoker!. The insurance companies must know something about smoking. It must lower your life expectancy and also increase your rise of major diseases. On the surgeon generals warning for cigarettes it says: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy. In my opinion it should say: Smoking WILL kill you. Also, since it is a form of suicide it should be banned everywhere except Oregon. Then all the smokers would go to Oregon and I could walk to class not having to hold my breath from cigarette smoke.


Blogger Kev said...

As someone who's allergic to cigarette smoke, I'd certainly be in favor of it going away. The worst part is how many people get addicted as kids, so that by the time they want to stop, they're so far under the influence of nicotine that it's nearly impossible to do so.

My grandfather had emphysema from smoking, but he was so stubborn that, after learning of his condition, my parents quit smoking before he did.

And I think I told you the story of the opera singer I dated who smoked. I wonder what her voice sounds like now...

10:20 PM

Blogger kangaroosmu said...

Wow! I never really thought of smoking as a prolonged form of suicide, but it really makes sense. Most of the people who smoke know how dangerous it is, so they obviously know they are slowly killing themselves.

I really wish there was a rule about not smoking anywhere on campus grounds. The smell is so disgusting...

10:28 AM


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